Announcing Radical Family Herbalism Column in Plant Healer Magazine

I’m so thrilled to announce my new column in Plant Healer Magazine, called “Heart & Hearth: Radical Family Herbalism.”  I’m so honored to be joining this vibrant community, and I hope you will enjoy the column!

The glorious Kiva Rose Bell Hardin introduced it on her blog better than I ever could, as follows:

“With so much attention given to “official” certification and hierarchical professionalism, it feels important to support the traditional roles of unofficial community provider and home practitioner.  There is something very radical about such self-empowered herbalism, and we do not know of anyone who practices, embodies, teaches, and expands the notion of Home Herbalism better than Juliette Carr, Good Medicine Confluence teacher, and founder and teacher of the excellent Old Ways School of Plant Medicine herbal courses. She will cover all kinds of relevant topics, including women’s health care and the use of herbs for children.”


If you’re not already reading it, you can subscribe to Plant Healer Magazine through the link in the sidebar (which supports my work) or directly through their site.  They are hands down the best herbal publication available, with a thorough, non-hierarchical, diverse approach to herbalism that really gets me fired up, in a gloriously beautiful package with lots of bonus freebies.  It is a gift to read.


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Discover more from Old Ways Herbal: Juliette Abigail Carr

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